Costume Zombie police (7-9 years)

Child costume Zombie police (7-9 years)
With this creepy zombie policeman costume, children aged 7-9 years transform into terrifying zombie cops during Halloween. The worn policeman uniform with blood splatter and matching police cap make this costume perfect for a chilling Halloween. Is it a hero or a monster? That remains to be seen, but in any case, this costume is perfect for trick-or-treat adventures, spooky theme parties or spooky parades.
Brand new
Sizes 7-9 years
5-6 years
7-9 years
10-12 years
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Product information
Weight (kg) 0.317000
Length in packaging (cm) 51.0
Height in packaging (cm) 3.0
Width in packaging (cm) 30.0
EAN 8712026782083
Material 100% polyester
Components Cap, shirt with tie, belt, pants
Clothing size 7-9 years
Target group Children
Packaging Button bag
Sex Boys
Product safety CE - Toys above 3 years
Washable Not washable
Type of closure No closure

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